Cleansing of the Temple (MARK 11:15)
In this gospel passage, we can see that Jesus Christ driving out from the temple
the traders who made god’s house a house of merchandise. Jesus practices his
piety by going to the Jerusalem temple for Passover, and that was a Passover
day. In the temple, He finds what any pilgrim could expect to find during a
festival: a place bustling with religious and economic activity. Jesus focuses,
not on the cattle, sheep, and doves that were used for sacrifices, but on the
activity of selling. St. Paul advises us whether you eat or drink, or whatever
you do, do everything for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). But here,
Jesus recognizes that their activities were filled with selfish motives rather
than the glory of God. They were more concerned with selling and buying and all
other worldly affairs instead of attending the religious exercises. Their
religious practices were merely for money-making.
There is a story about
Leonardo Davinci. After drawing the picture of ‘the last supper’, he asked his
intimate friend, “Which is the most attractive part in the picture?” The friend
replied that the whole picture was beautiful but the chalice in the hand of
Jesus was more attractive. Immediately Davinci erased the chalice and told him,
“Jesus is the Centre of attraction in this picture, no other things should be
there as attractive as Jesus and if there is, that should be removed. In a
similar way, Jesus also did in the temple of God. He overturned all things which
were more attractive and given more importance than His heavenly Father. Dear
brothers and sisters, let us also try to overturn all things that are given more
importance than God in our life like Jesus did in the temple. Let us pray to
the Holy Spirit for the grace to find and overturn the things which are given
more importance than God in our life. Have a blessed day.